Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Snow Grinch

Spending most of my life in the Willamette Valley, snow is not a major part of my life. I have to admit this does not bother me at all. I lived in Ohio for 1 winter and that was 1 winter too many. I don't like the snow. It's too cold and it makes my life more difficult. This is not a popular attitude. It kind of makes me the grinch. Most people around me squeal with delight when they see the white flakes falling. I try my hardest to keep my bad snow attitude to myself.
But this week it was too hard. Last Sunday the snow began falling and I bundled up my kids to go play in it. My thoughts were better on the weekend when I don't have to be at work. However the snow didn't stop. This is really odd for this area. Our snow usually lasts for a day or two. Monday morning the valley was what most would refer to as a Winter Wonderland. For me, it felt like a giant nuisance.
A lot of people just didn't come to work, but for me I just left an hour early for work. Yuck! This week it was like the snow was never going to go away. Jacob only had school on Thursday this week and now he's on vacation. Lucky kids! But I bet they won't feel lucky when they are making up the missed days later.
But now I'm on vacation too! I took next week off for Ally's surgery. I feel bad for what she has to go through, but I am excited to not have to worry about work for a whole week. It seems like a long time since I have taken time off around the holidays.
So I guess that is enough rambling. I looked outside this morning and I see melting snow. It makes my heart rejoice to see this (I really am a Grinch about this). They are predicting another storm today but I am happy to say it is 34 degrees now.
The kids and I are going to spend time this weekend baking and getting ready for the holiday. Hope everyone else has a great weekend. And I apologize for my unpopular attitude toward the snow.

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