Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lazy Sunday

It isn't too often that my kids and I decide to just stay home. But after church today we decided to just go home and hang out.
We did do some cleaning and picking up. I, unfortunately, must admit that I still hadn't found places for all our new Christmas presents. So now I think everything is pretty much put away. I wish I could say that now my house is clean, but I definitely don't have the right to say that. But we are more organized now.
Jacob and I played some Super Mario Brothers. It is so hard to stop playing. I always think that if I try just 1 more time, I will make it through the level. We also watched a movie and the kids did some puzzles. We moved Ally's new easel into the living room. So Ally and Jacob are now able to be teachers for each other and Logan.
Then GG came over with her new movie, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. The movie promptly put Logan to sleep, but the rest of us really liked it. I love watching a movie and hearing my kids giggling. I love my kids' giggles.

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